dizzy R package
The dizzy package was developed in Jorge et. al ((2014)[/publication/2014-11-01-Jorgeintegratedframeworkimprove2014a], (2017)[/publication/2017-12-01-JorgePhylogenetictrophicspecialization2017]), and is (available on github)[https://github.com/leorjorge/dizzy]. It has been used in several publications, used mostly to measure specialization in plant-herbivore interactions:
(Redmond, C.M., Auga, J., Gewa, B., Segar, S.T., Miller, S.E., Molem, K., Weiblen, G.D., Butterill, P.T., Maiyah, G., Hood, A.S.C., Volf, M., Jorge, L.R., Basset, Y., Novotný, V., 2019. High specialization and limited structural change in plant-herbivore networks along a successional chronosequence in tropical montane forest. Ecography 42, 162–172.)[/publication/2019-01-01-RedmondHighspecializationlimited2019]
(Seifert, C.L., Volf, M., Jorge, L.R., Abe, T., Carscallen, G., Drozd, P., Kumar, R., Lamarre, G.P.A., Libra, M., Losada, M.E., Miller, S.E., Murakami, M., Nichols, G., Pyszko, P., Šigut, M., Wagner, D.L., Novotný, V., 2020b. Plant phylogeny drives arboreal caterpillar assemblages across the Holarctic. Ecology and Evolution 10, 14137–14151.)[/publication/2020-01-01-SeifertPlantphylogenydrives2020]
(Basset, Y., Jorge, L.R., Butterill, P.T., Lamarre, G.P.A., Dahl, C., Ctvrtecka, R., Gripenberg, S., Lewis, O.T., Barrios, H., Brown, J.W., Bunyavejchewin, S., Butcher, B.A., Cognato, A.I., Davies, S.J., Kaman, O., Klimes, P., Knížek, M., Miller, S.E., Morse, G.E., Novotny, V., Pongpattananurak, N., Pramual, P., Quicke, D.L.J., Sakchoowong, W., Umari, R., Vesterinen, E.J., Weiblen, G., Wright, S.J., Segar, S.T., 2021. Host specificity and interaction networks of insects feeding on seeds and fruits in tropical rainforests. Oikos 130, 1462–1476.)[/publication/2021-01-01-BassetHostspecificityinteraction2021]